
Most Popular Essential Oils

Each essential oil comes with its own therapeutic benefits. Lavender is a stress reliever; peppermint is a natural energy booster.
With so many essential oils available, it is sometimes difficult to learn which essential oil is best for your specific needs.
Here is a list of some of the most popular essential oils and their benefits.

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils. It smells great and is an effective stress-relieving oil. The name stems from the Latin word “lavera,” meaning “to wash.” In addition to stress-relieving properties, Lavender is a healing aid against colds, flu and migraine.

Extraction and Application: Lavender is extracted from the flowers of the plant and steam distilled. Lavender can be used several different ways. Given the origin of its name, it’s a wonderful essential oil to use in a bath. Many massage therapists use it to help relax their clients. Add a few drops to a diffuser or even your pillow before bedtime to get a good night’s sleep.

Aromatherapy Uses: In addition to stress-relief, Lavender has the following therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory,antispasmodic and sedative.

Eucalyptus radiata
Eucalyptus radiata is very effective against viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
Extraction and Application:essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of Eucalyptus radiata tree.

Aromatherapy Uses: As mentioned above, Eucalyptus is a powerful treatment against respiratory issues. In addition it is used as an antiseptic, decongestant, and immunostimulant.

Sweet-smelling Jasmine is extracted from the Jasminum grandiflorum, an evergreen with origins in China. Jasmine is an expensive oil that has powerful healing properties; it aids with everything from depression to childbirth. It is known most for its relaxing properties.

Extraction and Application: Extracting Jasmine is a little different from other essential oils, which are primarily steam distilled. Jasmine is obtained via solvent extraction, which means it results in a concrete substance rather than oil. It then must go through an extensive process whereby the flowers are placed over fats to absorb the fragrance. This process takes a number of days and yields a small amount of oil. Hence the reason Jasmine is one of the most expensive essential oils. Add some drops of Jasmine to your bath or to the vaporizer, or blend it with your favorite massage oil.

Aromatherapy Uses: Jasmine has been known to ease depression and childbirth, in addition to enhance libido. It’s great for respiratory problems, addiction issues, and reducing tension and stress.

Caution: Overall, Jasmine is a fairly safe essential oil as it’s non-toxic. It can cause an allergic reaction. Pregnant women should avoid Jasmine.

Lemon is widely appreciated for its “clean” smell,” but has numerous therapeutic qualities as well. It improves concentration, aids in digestion and has detoxifying properties.

Extraction and Application: Lemon comes from the Citrus limonum. The oil is extracted from the fruit’s peeling via cold expression. Lemon oil is a terrific fragrance for the house, given its lemony-fresh scent. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the vaporizer or diffuser for enhanced energy.

Aromatherapy Uses: Lemon oil is a multifaceted essential oil. It helps with everything from skin irritation to digestion to circulation problems. It is a natural immunity booster and can even help reduce cellulite! Lemon oil helps to alleviate headaches and fever, and is a quick mood enhancer.

Caution:lemon essential oil is photo-sensitizing: it should not be applied when going out in the sun.

Peppermint has a cooling, refreshing effect and is widely used to enhance mental alertness.

Extraction and Application: Peppermint oil is extracted before the herb flowers and is then steam-distilled. It is used in vaporizers, massage oils and lotions, baths, even mouthwash.

Aromatherapy Uses: Peppermint oil has a number of therapeutic properties. It is a cooling agent that enhances mood, sharpens focus, combats irritation and redness, alleviates symptoms of congestion, and aids in digestion.

Caution: it should be kept away from the eyes. Keep away from small children and do not use while pregnant.

Women should keep Rose oil handy as it’s a powerful aromatherapy treatment for issues targeted mainly at females. Roses are some of the first plants to be distilled for their essential oil.

Extraction and Application: Rose oil is extracted from fresh rose petals and then steam distilled. Extracting rose oil is a delicate process.

Aromatherapy Uses: Rose oil is an ideal essential oil to have on hand. It helps with a number of illnesses and conditions, such as depression, anxiety and digestion issues. It is also helps with circulation, heart problems and respiratory conditions like asthma. It is a protector of the heart and is also good for your skin.

Rosemary oil is a wonderful mental stimulant. Feel yourself getting foggy? Add a few drops of Rosemary oil to your humidifier or bath water for a natural lift and memory booster. This essential oil packs a powerful punch when it comes to aromatherapy uses.

Extraction and Application: Rosemary oil is extracted from the flowering part of the herb and then steam distilled. Add some Rosemary oil to your humidifier to enhance memory, relieve congestion and sinusitis issues. Blend it with massage lotions and oils to help stiff, aching muscles, arthritis, liver and gallbladder congestion and digestive disorders. Rosemary oil in shampoos are excellent for stimulating the scalp, and thus hair growth.

Aromatherapy Uses: Widely known as a mental stimulant, the antidepressant properties of Rosemary oil make it ideal for enhanced memory, focus and overall brain performance. It also acts as an analgesic, soothing aching, cramping muscles, headaches and migraines. As an antiseptic it helps with digestive and liver infections. It is great for skin issues as well.

Caution: Avoid Rosemary oil if you have been diagnosed with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Pregnant women should also avoid this essential oil.

If you have but just one essential oil in your possession, it should be Tea Tree oil. Tea Tree oil is one of the most popular and effective essential oils for aromatherapy use. It is widely known to boost the immune system and fight infections.

Extraction and Application: Tea Tree stems from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. It is extracted from the tree’s leaves and steam distilled. Tea Tree oil can be inhaled (via humidifier or steam inhalation) and/or applied to the skin various different ways. Blend Tea Tree oil with a lotion, oil or cream to massage it into the skin. Add a few drops into your bathwater or apply it directly to your skin (using precaution, of course). Tea Tree oil is also found in shampoos, lotions and mouthwash because its healing properties are so powerful.

Aromatherapy Uses: Tea Tree’ has many healing properties . Its a natural immune booster, it also fights all kinds of infections. It works to heal skin conditions, burns and cuts, and also works as an insecticide. In addition, it helps to soothe and treat cold sores, respiratory conditions, muscle aches, the flu, Athlete’s foot and dandruff.

Ylang-Ylang is recognizable because of its strong fragrance. Its sweet aroma is excellent for reducing stress and as an aphrodisiac.

Extraction and Application: Ylang-Ylang is extracted from the flowers of a tropical tree and steam-distilled. Much like other essential oils, Ylang-Ylang can be used in a vaporizer or blended with other lotions for massage purposes. Add some drops into a bath, especially if you’re looking for a little romance.

Aromatherapy Uses: While its calming properties are its most powerful, Ylang-Ylang oil is also used to soothe headaches, nausea, skin conditions, stimulate hair growth, reduce high blood pressure and fight intestinal problems.

Caution: overuse can lead to headaches.

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